Saturday, February 25, 2012

Quick update/prayer for Barry

It's been 3 months since Barry's heart attack! He's a miracle!

Barry's been diligently working again but not on roofs thankfully. He's enlisting aid when those jobs come. Right now it's a bathroom remodel. We're very thankful to have work & most importantly that he feels well enough to work. So those are some big praises!! Praise God!

Monday he's got a new echocardiogram scheduled where they will get a look at both the blood clot and the fluid build up around the heart. This will be good since he's been experiencing more of the pressure caused by the fluid. Prayer for this would be so appreciated.

Big prayer on top of that is that he won't catch the horrible chest cold that Michael (& now maybe me too) have been sick with. A chest cold or any bug right now would be very discouraging. Thanks for praying!

Let us know how we can return the favor!
Terri & Barry

Monday, February 13, 2012

Barry the bruiser!

Hi all!  Thanks for praying.  Barry's doing pretty well most days.  He's working as he is able.  Today's was plumbing a bathroom.  No climbing on the roof, just under the floor!  Therefore, he's a bit more colorful than usual.  Due to the triple anticoagulation therapy, he's bruising a bit here and there.  Thankfully so far they don't appear to be dangerous!

Most days he's had less chest pain so we're hoping the inflammation caused fluid is reducing.  His coumadin levels have stabilized enough to get checked every two weeks instead of every week so that's one less bruise a week.

Our biggest concern is surrounding the coumadin and the bloodclot.  Our biggest prayer right now is for the coumadin to really only be for three months.  That's what they're hoping and so are we!

Every day we remember what a miracle it is that Barry is alive.  Last week a cardiac care nurse and another doctor mentioned the miracle that he is here. Statistically most blockages in that area of the heart can kill in 5 minutes.  Thanks God for this miracle! Thanks to all of you for the prayer!