Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two clots, an echo & a coming anniversary

Tomorrow at 11:30 Barry has an appt for an echocardiogram to check in on the clots. We're hoping for a miracle! Why not! A sweet friend who's been praying for Barry says they will be smoothed out and no longer a problem. :)  I would so love to report back that her prayers (and ours) have been answered and we welcome you to pray for complete healing and miracles too. This would be a clear miracle since a year worth of anticoagulants resulted in yet another clot and its been only about a month weeks of trying to thin the blood further. God can do this. We hope he will. In all things we want His best!

Another issue for prayer is the PTSD shock is still a problem. When barry gets startled by a loud noise or sudden event, he still has a lot of pain & the adrenaline rush results in a night without sleep. He needs healing in this area too. Terri has some natural healing methods that she knows can help this but many of them can't happen with the meds he's currently on and the clots in his heart. So we need God at work & another solution.

Finally, we have begun to notice the whole family is feeling a little anxiety surrounding the year anniversary of the heart attack. Not only is it soon to be the anniversary of the heart attack, that anniversary is right before one of our most exciting times of the year: Barry's birthday, our wedding anniversary, and thanksgiving are all within a week of the cardiac anniversary event!  We're just a little on edge around here.  They tell us it's a big deal. We're beginning to believe it.

We would appreciate your prayers on these things!  Thank you!