Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barry update/Terri traveling

Quick update: doc upped one med. said things as expected. Come back in Nov at 1yr post MI/stent unless concerns arise. They'll check in on clot then. Still 3x anticoagulant therapy so no risky jobs or activities. Still dealing w a little PTSD-type sensitivity that brings on pain when startled.

Real estate application submitted. Waiting for test date. Praying & studying for license test. And market to pick up once licensed!

Terri off to Colorado to see her mom who is very ill. First time away from barry since heart attack.

God is good. Trusting him by the minute!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We're in LA!

Hi all! Just a quick update on barry since its been awhile.
1. We're on a work/ministry trip this weekend for the NDOP (national day of prayer) on the CBS studio lot, learning more/networking at the Biola media conference & hanging out with some amazing people who are creatively using their gifts and talents to influence the entertainment industry & reflect their Creator in their creations. Lots of meetings, lots of eating (important we make wise choices!), driving in traffic, lots of social & physical energy expended! Barry took the energy tank a bit low last night but hopefully will bounce back this morning. Prayer for wisdom in eating & pacing the energy please.
2. Awaiting a blood test that will tell us how the meds are doing w the cholesterol today, including one that may reveal more of the why heart disease w no warning other than genetic family history. More in that later.
3. Big praises on a physical fitness level-Barry's begun jogging and strength training. Looks great!
Thanks for praying!