Thursday, December 29, 2011

More news about the chemistry set and pumper

Hello all,
This one is pretty detailed so I'll start with a synopsis and those who want all the details can read on.

We went to pick up the coumadin for Barry today and in the process found out a little more news.  Once again we have been impressed with the time and attention our Dr. has given us.  He showed us where the clot actually is and explained it a little more.  We also saw the nurse who is overseeing Barry's rehab process.  She was very empathetic and has been actively praying for us.   How terrific is that!?  I have a connection with her through my work.  I love how God works out details like this!  

In a nutshell, he has a clot in the heart (kind of like a scab on a wound) and it needs to stay put or dissolve safely over time.  We also don't want other clots to form!  So they're adding one more blood thinner to his chemistry set of meds.  His pump is doing pretty well.  No heart failure at this point.  When Barry can return to work (and to bringing in income!) is still at least 3 months out.  I'm sure you can guess how to pray!  Thanks!

The best news is that for the most part he feels great.  He's pretty much doing everything they tell him.  He's getting a little stir crazy at times but knows he's got to do this right so he's doing his best to listen to the docs and to my nagging- er advice.  We get little surprises from time to time that raise more questions.  I (Terri) still am not handling that well.  God and I are still at work on matters of fear and trust.  Prayers for me and us in that regard would also be welcome.  Thanks to all of you.  This is a tough journey but no tougher than many of our friends are going through in their lives.  We do appreciate your support and love for us--and all those prayers!--terri

More about the clot.  It's inside the heart and is essentially like a scab.  It is rather large and is in an area of the heart where it isn't moving as dramatically (and healthily) as the rest of the heart.  More about the pump in a minute.  Back to the clot...  If this clot stays "laminated" to the wall of the heart and gets absorbed over time as it heals, all is well.  If for some reason it cracks, or breaks and more clots form on top of it or build it up, that's not so good.  If it breaks loose, it could be life-threatening or very debilitating to wherever it might land, lodge or hit.  So prayers that it all stays stable would be awesome.  The Coumadin (Warfarin) has benefits.  It will hopefully prevent more clots from forming and thin the blood to the degree that it won't stick anywhere.  Since Barry's already on two other blood thinners, this is a triple threat against clotting but it also creates a situation where he can have bleeding complications that could also be very serious.

Since Barry is a building contractor, not a guy who sits at a desk, this complicates his return to work.  Doctor says he doesn't want Barry returning to work until they get past the coumadin/blood clot stage of his recovery.  We welcome your prayers for provision, future career opportunities, etc.

Now for the pump update.  The doctor said the good news is that his extraction factor is in a good range and above the 30-35% that represents heart failure.  Except for the area of the heart where the clot is seems to be moving much better!  We're happy about that!

The last thing we discussed was his heart rate and blood pressure.  His BP is being kept pretty low by the meds.  The blood thinners may drop this even a bit further.  Barry's heart rate is much higher than it ever was before the heart attack.  His resting rate is around 80-85.  Prior to the heart attack it was in the high 50s or 60s.  When he exercises or moves around it goes up pretty rapidly so we were concerned about how much it could go up before there was a problem.  Doctor gave us a number to stay below so now he knows how hard to exercise on his walks.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Post Christmas update & the Echocardiogram results...

We had a great time with family and friends at Christmas.  We had Christmas dinner with our good friends and neighbors (thanks!): Christmas goose, prime rib, chestnut stuffing and Shannie's flourless chocolate cake! That night we had a little scare.  Rosie (our dog) was "guarding" Barry by sleeping at his head where he was taking a little nap on the couch.   Someone came to the door and she abruptly and loudly barked right by his ear!  This was a very startling event and it took Barry's heart quite awhile to settle down.  That made Terri a little freaked out too! Eventually things settled down and he was fine of course.  But it's not a comfortable thing to startle 5 weeks after a major heart attack!  When we saw the doctor yesterday he explained this was normal.  He will have a bit of PTSD for awhile due to the shock of having had the heart attack.

The next day we went as a family to Monterey for the trip we'd planned for Thanksgiving but had to postpone because of a little issue known as Barry's heart attack!  Barry was able to do some light hiking and we even spotted a whale. :)

Yesterday was his first echocardiogram since leaving the hospital.  We got the results today.  There's some good news and some not so good news after Barry's echo.  The doctor says his heart muscle function has improved significantly.  It's not completely recovered but it is in a good range for this early echo.  I can't exactly repeat the percentages but it was good news.

The less than good news is that he has developed a clot.  This is not abnormal.  It's similar to developing a scab on an injury but it does mean he has to go on more significant blood thinners.  This raises the possibility of bleeding and makes it a little more dangerous for him to actively work construction.  Our hope is this will only be for three months and that the clot will dissolve safely or at least not build and break loose.  That could be quite serious.  So please pray that the clot will not build or break loose!

We'd also appreciate prayer about the coumadin.  He will need to be really careful about any potential bruising or injury.  Since Barry's typical week of work always consisted of various cuts, bruises and scrapes, we're wondering what work will look like for him in the near future.   We'd like to see him find his way out of such physically difficult work anyway but this might be forcing the issue into an earlier timeframe than we were expecting.

Prayer for continued healing, protection, safety, wisdom, and provision would be appreciated!  Thanks for praying about these things!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Barry 3 weeks post procedure update!

Hi all,
It's been 3 weeks today since our lives dramatically and suddenly changed!  Barry's angio-stent procedure was 3 weeks ago and it's awesome to be this far along in recovery.  He is feeling stronger and better every day.  He's been able to do a little work (mostly office, phone and even a small fence repair).  He's walking further.  The cold still affects him pretty strongly so longer walks at night are a challenge.  His doctor told him he could have decaf!  Yay!  He's doing well on limited fat and salt but really missed coffee!

Tuesday was his first appt with his cardiologist.  It's the same one he saw when they brought him to emergency.  We are really pleased with him.  He and Barry have a great rapport.  He listened to Barry's heart and felt it sounded really strong!  YAY!  He also showed us bits and pieces of the procedure they did to repair the artery.  The first image/video he pointed out, appeared to be missing the main artery on the front of the heart (at least from just past the blockage you couldn't even see it)!  Then he showed us the process they went through of expanding the artery and clearing out the blockage.  It was amazing to know that was Barry's actual heart we were looking at, not a re-enactment or documentary of a similar case.  It was really him!  Once they had finished the procedure he showed us that the artery was now visible and blood was flowing again as it should through the artery!

We don't know how much of the heart was damaged.  When the first echo was done before he was rushed to the ER, the whole front of his heart was not moving.  That's when the Dr. and the team literally RAN him over in a wheelchair to the ER and waiting heart team.  On the 27th of December, he'll get another echocardiogram and they will hopefully see if his heart has healed or how much tissue was destroyed by the lack of blood flow and the myocardial infarction he suffered.  Our prayer (yours are welcome and appreciated!) is that the heart was only badly stunned and will have healed by this appt or at least show great progress toward that end.  Each night I ask God to bring into Barry's body a heart like the one "seated with Christ in the heavenlies," one that is perfect!  The theology of this might be a little fuzzy but I know God knows exactly what I'm asking for and will do his will in restoring Barry exactly according to God's plan.  We have many examples of people pleading with God for something they long for.  I'm leaving this in God's hands but asking for miracles too!

Each of us and our many friends express daily many times how happy we are to have Barry with us!  Thanks to all of you for the prayers!  Please continue!

terri for all of us Renfros (especially Barry!)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another day--two more doctors!

Hi all,
Here's the latest.  It was scary there for a bit again.  It all began this morning with a call from the ophthalmologist's office asking if we could get there in about 30 minutes.  So what started out as a day with no particular plans other than some lovely walks, hopefully somewhere pretty (redwoods preferably), ended up another day spent at the hospital/dr.'s office.  The eye doctor found some blocked and swollen blood vessels in the back of the eye.  He raised a question about a possible immune system disorder and also wanted to be sure a retinal specialist weighed in.  So he found us an appt. at 3pm and off we went to Santa Clara Kaiser.

The retina specialist was also very concerned.  He felt there might be something very serious going on and ordered additional tests.  He was very professional, thorough, and quite empathetic with the ups and downs of our journey.  Long story short, he ran the tests and consulted with a cardiologist.

The doctor returned and said he believed they had a solution to the dilemma and it was essentially good news.  Whew!  This is not a common occurrence but it does happen.  When they install a stent, there is always a chance that some particles of plaque are stripped away from the walls of the artery and enter the bloodstream.  This is part of the reason for the blood thinners.  In Barry's case, these minute particles have found their way to the back of the eye and into these vessels.  Our hope is since they didn't see anything remarkable when they scanned the carotid and head, that this might be the extent of it.  Only time will tell.

The cardiologist feels he's on enough blood thinners for now.  The eye doctor said the spots of vision loss may or may not be permanent.  The good news is there is no need to avoid using his eyes, reading, eye strain and such won't interfere with his activities and recovery at this point.  There is no treatment.  Though he didn't say it directly, he left it pretty much up to God and the body from here.  Since Barry is getting stronger every day, we are proceeding with the belief this is good news and we were very grateful that he got to come home and for the time being at least there is not another procedure in sight.

Please join us in praying that God will bring complete healing in his way and in his timing, for peace as we go through the process, for anything his body still has to filter out and heal would be done safely and without further trauma.  I know Barry would love a day without a doctor.  Also since I'll need to go back to work for at least awhile tomorrow... well you can guess!  Healing and trust!

Thanks for going on this journey with us!  So many blessings even in the midst of the tense times.  God is our Creator and Healer and we are praying for him to guide us in all these things!

blessings to all of you as well!

barry and terri

Some Good News and yet another New Doctor

Hi there,
We've got some good news.  The good news is that Barry's feeling better all the time.  His activity is speeding up and getting more consistent.  He's still doing a great job of pacing.

All went well at yesterday's appt. but not as good at this morning's opthalmology.  The doc. found swelling and occlusion of tiny blood vessels in his eyes.  So we're off to a retinal specialist this afternoon at 3 pm.  Prayers still appreciated!

Will fill you all in as soon as we know more.



Monday, November 28, 2011

Biggest day yet!

Each day Barry gets stronger.  He's doing a great job of pacing himself!  Yesterday morning we went to cut down our family Christmas trees.  We go around this time every year to the Santa Cruz mtns, take a picnic, the dog and our 4wd truck to crawl around a hillside and choose just the right trees for our family!  Praise God, this year did not have to be an exception!  It was such fun.  And I really think being out in all that fresh air and green trees did Barry a world of good.

Missio Dei last night was a rather brief but very meaningful time with our faith community.  Barry led the discussion in Acts 12.  We saw God do miracles in Peter's life and I reflected on those in our own.

Thanks again to all who are praying.  Today is the first of many doctors appts.  Today with his general practitioner and in a week or two with the cardiologist.  Please continue the prayers.  I might need them as much as Barry!  God and I are on an amazing journey of trust as I give up my precious husband to God's care and trust him for what lies ahead.  God has given Barry terrific peace and I'm so grateful.  For me, being on this side of the caregiver/patient equation is so different and so uncomfortable.  I understand God giving peace when I'm the one recovering.  I respect Barry's faith and hard work so much more now that I'm on this side.

You all are in our prayers as well!  With much gratefulness!

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Thankful!

It's been 1 week today since we found out about Barry's heart condition and had the procedure to save his life!  We have had a birthday, an anniversary, a Thanksgiving feast and celebration, and now a relaxing day ahead to catch up on rest.

We went to the Isaacson's for dinner yesterday and Barry did a great job of resting when he needed to, enjoying the company, eating an almost normal dinner :)  and had the longest day out yet.  He's taken a couple of walks.

Our kids have been amazing!  Jon is taking on a lot of the things Barry needs to put off for awhile.  Shannie is calming to her mom and encourages her dad to release his worries and stresses.  Michael has become the go to guy when we need to pick up take out or send him to the store for something quick. Anna adds a lot of laughter and joy.  Everyone is doing their part to make this work.

The roughest thing yesterday was our visit with Barry's mom.  Lawanda was more confused than we have ever seen her.  Barry is not telling her about his heart attack.  She wouldn't understand and if she did remember it she would worry.  It took a lot of Barry's energy to calm and reassure her.  Our visit was brief but it took him at least as long as the visit to re-energize himself.  We are so thankful she's in such a great place and so well cared for.  I explained Barry's situation to her primary caregivers and they were hugely helpful as we left her in their awesome care.

Each day Barry feels a bit better if he has paced his activities and energy well the day before.  Our thanksgiving/anniversary was truly our best and most thankful ever!  You are all included in our thankfulness.  We are so thankful to have your prayers and love so freely given! May each of you feel the blessings returned to you that you are sending our way!  Christmas is ahead!  Barry's favorite time of year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Two in one!

Sorry guys!  Forgot to bring the carepages blog over here. I'll 

post both of them--  

Home Day Two-

Posted 13 minutes ago
Hi Everyone!
Yesterday was a very busy day for us. it was Barry's first full day at home and even though he tried his very best, he overdid it a bit. It was his birthday after all! The day began with a visit to the job site to meet the man we've hired to finish the project and check in with the homeowner. That all went very well and we're grateful for good help and a gracious homeowner! We ran a couple of other quick errands and he was still doing really well. About midday I had to go to work for a few hours. He rested a bit and had several phone calls, messages, and visitors. By the time I got home, more visitors and plans to go out to dinner for his birthday. Grand plans but it turned out to be a little too much so we made the wise choice to stay in for dinner and I made him a heart-healthy meal of almond chicken, rice, green beans, and a salad. The kids ordered Chinese from our favorite Chinese food place. Anna taped a candle to a glass of martinellis sparkling cider and we sang happy birthday, watched Super-8, a movie he'd already seen (less stressful!).
The night started out well but about 2am we both woke up and he never really went back to sleep very well. That plus yesterday's big day might explain today's weakness. He started off pretty well today but he's finding he tires out really easily and his color is a little more pale today. So I'm encouraging him to pace things a little slower today. Last night was his first night in a week without a fever! So hopefully the post myocardial infarction or pneumonia fever is behind us!
Thanks again for the prayers. Strength and stamina, wisdom in pacing getting back into life, and continued peace as we all work to help Barry heal. We also are having some issues with our sweet, nervous Rosie, that is still causing some stress. 
There is still so much journeying and discovery ahead. There are many blessings and we daily meet friends who have been through similar heart adventures. This is good news to us.
I'm beginning to collect heart healthy recipes! Send them on!
Thanks again for the many prayers for us and love sent to us!

We're home and so happy to be here!

Posted 2 days ago
Hi Everyone!
Barry's home and feeling pretty well. He's a little worn out tonight so he's laying on the couch now watching "That 70s Show" reruns. Thanks Dean Batale!
In the past week he's had a pretty massive heart attack, a stint put in, passed a kidney stone, and might have a touch of pneumonia! We have eight meds to regulate and a whole new diet. A weird thing we haven't quite figured out yet is what to do for his acid reflux. They don't recommend the only med that was working and the one they're trying is not really working.
I'm sure he'll be happy when we acclimate a bit. I'm still in the "you ok babe?" mode every few minutes. There are so many adjustments. There is the realization that he is now in a different category of health. He has had an early onset of heart disease. He had no elevated cholesterol, only a little blood pressure elevation that was back to normal with a small dose of medication and a loss of 40 pounds.
Emotionally he's doing ok. He feels like his body has betrayed him. He's had to do a little work today. The good news is his current client has been very understanding and has even been praying for Barry. Unfortunately our sweet but neurotic dog Rosie is causing him some stress. I'm tempted to send her on a vacation!
Right now our requests for prayer are:
* continued healing of his heart muscle
* adjustment to and efficiency of his medications for heart and gastric reflux
* strength to return
* appetite return and new tastes for this low sodium/low fat diet
* that the antibiotics would knock out the infection whether it is post-myocardial infarction related or lung
We also will have some pretty significant financial considerations coming up. It's possible that Barry is looking at a career change. Prayers about that would be awesome! Barry is so great with people and is so incredibly intuitive and bright. We'd like to see God turn this event into a whole new career that won't beat him up quite so much. We'd like his strength and exercise to come by healthy choices to recreate and work out not just work too hard.
Thanks so much again to all who have sent love and prayers and encouragement! It is keeping us afloat!
love to all!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's been a long day for Barry.  He's feeling much better today.  They are allowing and encouraging him to get up and walk.  His heart rate is still a bit high so prayer for stabilization would be terrific.  His EKG is still a pretty funky pattern.  It sort of resembles a butte or plateau! Kinda crazy.

There's a healing adventure ahead.  Please pray for peace and wisdom as we return home without all the monitoring and security of knowing someone is right there to answer questions and check on things.  Also pray for Terri as she figures out how to feed him tasty cardiac diet food and helps him keep the weight he's lost off!  There will be lots of meds to regulate.

We also will have so many questions about what's ahead for Barry's business.  This is making us rethink how hard Barry should be working physically.  Prayers for what's next would be awesome.

That's all for tonight!  We are so thankful for all of you!

Out of ICU

We're out of ICU and in a very quiet section of the hospital.  Barry has grown used to a lot of activity and noise around him.  So the upside is he might get a good night of sleep.  The downside is he misses the people time.  Thankfully some great friends have visited.

Our hope is that he can go home tomorrow.  We'll keep you all posted!

Thanks to all for the love and prayers!

Welcome to our journey!

Welcome to our journey! Jonathan Barry (Barry) has had quite a week! A few days ago, Barry felt a little pain in his chest while working. Just a little high on the chest tightness at first. Over the next days and hours the pain changed to something much more like muscle cramping. When we pressed on the area of pain, we felt lots of muscle soreness. He took pulse, blood pressure and didn't have labored breathing or lightheadedness. Over the next two days the pain didn't improve, seemed even more muscular and then a fever started mostly at night. After 2 nights of this (each day spent working trying to get a roof covered up before a storm) I made an appointment for the doctor.
He worked that morning till about 11:15 on the roof project and we went to the doctor for an 11:50 appt. Doctor checked him out and sent him for an EKG (to rule out heart problem), a chest xray (she suspected walking pneumonia) and a blood test. The first stop was EKG and the adventure was afoot!
The EKG tech took about 15 seconds of measurement, left the room quickly to look for a baseline EKG in his chart. He had no previous EKG. Within 15 seconds a lovely "flying V" of about 5 people swooped in with a cardiologist at the head. A flurry of questions like "Are you having chest pain? Are you allergic to aspirin? You're not having any chest pain right now? Are you sure? How are you feeling? " This lasted about two minutes and they had him up in a wheelchair and literally ran with him across the street to the Emergency Room. One tech literally ran ahead to alert the ER to get a heart team ready. Within seconds of arriving in the ER, they began prepping him for an angiogram and potentially an angioplasty. They did put in a stint.
At 51, (52 on Tuesday!) Barry has had a major heart attack. The main artery into his heart (the LAD) was 100% occluded. Another is 30% occluded. The one stint was all they chose to do for now. He will begin a heart care path to healing now.
This is Barry's 3rd day in ICU but they are considering moving him to a regular floor. He's behaving himself pretty well. The nurses are excellent and he's befriended and charmed every one of them. He's the most communicative and healthy patient in the area so he's been pretty interactive. He's mostly been resting and visiting. He's a little weary of being so tied up with IV's and tubing.
Yesterday they got him up into a chair for awhile and was doing great until a huge blood pressure drop caused him to nearly faint. They put him back in bed and things stabilized well. His heart rate is still quite high and fluctuating.
The ultrasound of the heart showed some positive things. The doctor saw some parts of the front of the heart muscle that has been damaged was showing clusters of activity that looked like a good sign. Perhaps the whole front of the heart is not as damaged as it appeared to be. There are still many unknowns. But so far other than weakness he's doing and looking really well.
Tons of people have been praying. The biggest challenge has been to get the word out easily and quickly without blasting the difficult news across the pages of facebook. I apologize for any delay or inconsistency in updating everyone The prayers and messages received the past few days have been hugely comforting, healing and helpful.
As for how people can support Barry right now, prayer is number one! As soon as we can figure out how else people can help we'll post it. Those of you who've been through this are welcome to suggest things. Jonathan Barry, better known as Barry to local friends and family, is a man of many interests and talents. He's an amazing husband and dad. His bday is on Tuesday!!! (And it looks like he'll be here for it after all!) Our 32nd anniversary is on Thursday. (We're especially thankful this year!) Our four kids are much loved and quite amazing people~
Barry wears a lot of hats in life in addition to husband and father. His job is that of a building contractor. He's a pastor to our Missio Dei Faith Community and a missionary/prayer intercessor to the Entertainment Industry. He's an actor and loves writing and directing.